You know the saying ‘It does what it says on the tin’? Well, that’s Maths on the Move. It’s doing maths whilst on the move.
Of course there’s a whole lot more to say about this innovative programme designed by teachers for teachers; but the concept is that simple.
First, some hard hitting facts
Think of a classroom. What do you picture? Teacher standing at the front and pupils sat behind desks? Yes, because so often that is the picture, shown by the 70% statistic.
But why is it? Perhaps more importantly, why does it have to be? Turns out it doesn’t.
We know because we’ve seen the alternative first-hand and the impact it can have.
Active learning is this alternative and is the basis of Maths on the Move.
To use physical activity to enhance confidence, learning and attainment in maths.
All learning outcomes of the maths curriculum for KS1 & KS2
No pupil is the same, we get that, which is why you can tailor MOTM to suit pupils’ individual requirements. Use the programme as an intervention to support lower achieving children or extend the learning of those who are gifted and talented. The results show that, whatever the pupil’s pre programme confidence level, it is boosted upon completion of MOTM.
Funding is accessible through several streams:
Tracking pupil progress is paramount. We will provide experienced educators and learning materials, in addition to sharing the impact of MOTM via an online platform and regular reports (just the ticket for justifying your premium spends when Ofsted come knocking).
Interested? How could you not be?
Contact or Fill in a form on our website