RB Gym and Sport’s Curriculum Support Programme is a sustainable and effective way for your school to utilize the PE and School Sport Premium funding. It is not a one-day training workshop, or a stand-alone activity and it is not your stereotypical ‘team teaching’ programme which so many sports coaching providers offer. RB Gym and Sports Curriculum Support Programme is a unique growth training programme for the whole school.
RBGS Curriculum Support Programme is led by expert Sport Educators and is focused on developing teacher’s confidence and knowledge to improve pupil outcomes within P.E. The programme involves weekly support with opportunities for teachers to plan, deliver and self-reflect. The programme involves progressive activities designed to sustain and embed best practice, including cooperative teacher activity, formative planning, assessment and expert PE input.
Our curriculum Support Programme is designed by experienced PE teachers and is underpinned by robust impact data.
Demonstrate height and control of the body whilst you combine a variety of gymnastics jumps together across a 10-metre-long trampoline
Feel what it’s like to fly as you explore a range of jump, turns and seat drops on the trampoline.
Circle forward on the bar, use your strength to hold shapes and swing forwards and backwards on the A-Symmetrical bars.
Walk tall on tip toes 4 foot off the floor, in a variety of directions, perform ½ and 1/1 turns and stay as still as a statue as we test your 1 footed balance’s.
Perfect your forward roll across the floor and perform it from a jump onto high equipment.
Unleash your power as you run, hurdle step and squat on to various vaulting equipment.
RBGS Sport Educators recognise that teachers are highly skilled and experts in the classroom. The curriculum support programme helps your teachers transfer their skills from the classroom and into the PE environment. As a result, your staff will become more confident and develop a greater depth of knowledge, which in turn, will enable them to teach PE to a high standard and improve outcomes for your pupils.
100% of schools reported that their teacher’s mean confidence to deliver in Physical education had increased.
100% recorded they had improved their ability to plan for Physical Education
95% recorded they had improved their ability to Assess in Physical Education
96% of teachers undergoing CPD in PE felt as though they had improved their ability to Differentiate Skills and Activities for pupils.
94% of teachers stated their ability to progress pupils’ skills within P.E had improved.
Embedding physical activity into the school day through active travel to and from school, active break times and active lessons and teaching.
Develop or add to the PE, Physical Activity and Sport that your school provides.
Providing targeted activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children.
An accredited RB Gym and Sport Balance-ability Instructor
Balance-ability bikes and pedal bikes
Balance and co-ordination training aids
Road awareness signs and course cones
Visual activity cards
The delivery of gymnastics at both KS1 and KS2 was of a poor standard due to lack of confidence and subject knowledge of staff. The priority on the PE Development Plan was to provide a range of CPD opportunities for staff (including HLTAs) to increase their confidence and skillset when delivering gymnastics lessons. Staff were also having difficulty with differentiating effectively for all children in PE lessons to ensure all children made progress.
When looking for an external provider, we want them to be approachable, flexible, organised, professional but most importantly – highly knowledgeable about the primary PE curriculum and a clear understanding of the learning styles for all pupils.
Many years ago, I worked in a school where Ryan Bradley delivered high quality gymnastics levels to KS1 and KS2 pupils. When I moved to a Wolverhampton school, it was clear that PE and School Sport was lacking in this same quality, so we were fortunate enough to acquire the services of RB Gym to deliver a range of PPA and CPD sessions. We have used other providers and I could not recommend RB Gym and Sport more highly – due to their highly qualified PE Curriculum Support Mentors, their affiliation with AfPE and the range of services they provide.
RB Gym and Sport gave many options to meet our needs of improving confidence of staff in delivering the PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities.RB Gym and Sport gave many options to meet our needs of improving confidence and upskilling staff when delivering the PE curriculum. A tailored CPD programme was put in place and reviewed regularly to ensure there was clear impact.
The profile of PE and School Sport has raised throughout the school and, as a result, more children have taken part in extra-curricular activities and have also started to attend gymnastics clubs outside of school. Our teaching staff now feel more confident when delivering PE lessons and they have been observed developing and challenging pupils as they make lessons more engaging, active and purposeful.
Physical development is a huge part of our curriculum and vital to children’s health and wellbeing. With more children overweight nationally, it was important for us as a school to offer opportunities such as this to ensure children are staying as active and healthy as possible.
Previous experience with them was very positive. Friendly, professional staff with lots of knowledge, very kind and patient with the children. The children like them, respect them and listen to them. Balance-Ability addressed many statements from the Development Matters and Early Learning Goals. Their programme fit in perfectly with our physical development curriculum. RB Gym and Sport provide data and assessment to staff which is extremely useful.
As Balance-Ability focuses on gross motor skills, this helped many of our children with low PD development as well as children who needed to be challenged. Good gross motor skills also trickle down into fine motor, we saw a correlation that children who could ride a pedal bike also had neater, more legible handwriting. Improved most children’s Physical Development skills. Children are visibly happier after doing Balance Ability – improved wellbeing. They are proud of their achievements. Helped some children build resilience. They have been taught how to persevere and that hard work pays off. They have had an opportunity to learn a life skill that may have taken months/years longer, or in a worst-case scenario, never happened at all. Fine motor/handwriting has improved amongst some children. Also teaches children safety (helmets), respect (for the equipment) and patience (waiting to have a turn.) Provided staff with assessment data which helps inform our own. Sometimes sees things we may miss e.g. a child you did not expect would be able to ride a bike who can!